

甲午戰後臺灣進入日本殖民統治時期,臺灣人開始遷移至琉球(沖繩縣)八重山列島地區。總的來說,戰前移民到琉球並在當地社 會作出極大貢獻的客家人,應首舉出身於臺中石岡的林發。林發堪稱 戰後琉球的「鳳梨產業之父」,該產業在 1970 年代琉球重回日本統治 之前,為該地區經濟的重要支柱。不過,林發雖為臺灣客家人,然而 其從戰前到戰後的各種政治經濟活動事蹟,似乎不易辨識出於客家因 素的部分。其可能原因或許在於林發本身能操流利的日語,或其所出 身的臺灣中部,為客閩族群日常頻繁往來的地區,因此可與臺灣福佬 族群與日本人以福佬話及日語自由交談,客家身分作為其社會資源的 價值,反而隱而不發。

After the 1895 Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan entered the Japanese colonial era. A few Taiwanese people began migrating to Yaeyama Islands, Ryukyu (Okinawa). Among the Taiwanese Hakkas who migrated to Ryukyu before World War II, Lin Fa, a native of Shigan, Taichung, contributed substantially to the Ryukyu society. Lin Fa was referred to as the “father of the pineapple industry” in postwar Ryukyu. The industry was a vital economic pillar of Ryukyu before it returned to Japanese rule in the 1970s. Although Lin Fa was a Taiwanese Hakka, his identity was not easily identifiable from his political and economic activities before and after the war. The reasons could be that Lin Fa spoke fluent Japanese, or that he could speak freely with Taiwanese Hokkienese and Japanese in Hokkien and Japanese, respectively; Lin Fa spoke fluent Hokkien and Japanese because he came from a region (i.e., Central Taiwan) where Hakka and Hokkien groups frequently interacted. Therefore, the value of his Hakka identity as a social resource was hidden.



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2020-07-07 客家學院
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2020-07-07 客家學院
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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA